Thursday, August 04, 2005

Are you a Hoosier?

Just a quickie. Here in Illinois, or at least in my area, they call rednecks Hoosiers. Unapologetically so. And it is mildly derogatory in usage. I wonder what out neighbors to the east (Indiana for the geographically ignorant) think about this? The Hoosier state, the Indiana Hoosiers, fine basketball lineage and all, and an outstanding brand of automobile tires. And this is an insult. Perhaps a lingering remnant of centuries old territorial disputes? You know, sort of like the term Pollock, while simply referring to a person from Poland, became derogatory in nature, why?, because of territorial disputes, in that case, a small dispute called World War II. Of course I am kind of guessing at the actual origin of the usage of the term Pollock, but the guess is relatively accurate in spirit if nothing else. Regardless, it's funny, and it was on my mind. Now it's not. Thanks RM.

Until next time, Hershberger...out.


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