Thursday, August 04, 2005

What, you expect me to post more often than every 15 months?

I suppose I should just quit my job and become another one of millions of active bloggers out there. This has become an industry, if you can believe it. Who doesn't have a blog these days?

I have given some thought to it, and have considered many times reinventing this very blog to be a more useful resource related to my teaching. And then I realized something. 90% of these blogs are nothing more than personal sounding boards. Most people in the world need an audience. I don't. I have one, a captive one. I get to have an audience who I can punish for not listening to me. How cool is that? There are already plenty of resources out there for marketing students, and I am not so full of myself that I think I could add to that in a significant way. My time is better spent doing my research, making my classes more enriching, interacting personally with my students. So this blog will not, I repeat NOT, become a sounding board about what I think is important in the world of marketing and advertising. If you want that, enroll in one of my classes.

This blog instead will remain as it has been, a place for me to spend down time, puting down in type the thoughts that sometimes come into my head, but so rarely get to come out. You know, really important stuff like the best fast food, the benefits of pop culture icons, why real butter tastes better than anything that you can't believe it's not. So 15 months from now, get ready, because it will be time for yet another chapter in the history of.....whatever.

Until next time, Hershberger...out.


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