Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Giving it a shot

Okay, so I have been hearing all about this cultural phenomenon called "blogging" for long enough. It's time for me to see what all the hubbub is about. After all, I like to think that part of my job is keeping current with pop culture, especially when it comes to interactive communication. Or mass media. Or sports. I have a great job. As the saying goes, "It's good work, if you can get it." And I got it. I am trying to decide whether or not to actually tell you what my job is. See, I have read a few of these weblogs, and many people do not want to be personally identified, I suppose out of fear of personal consequences. And given the nature of what I do, perhaps I should attempt to retain some anonymity. Then again I suppose this depends largely on what I intend to say here. And if I plan on having an audience. See, there's another issue altogether. Most likely everything I write here will not be read by anyone, and that may be okay with me. Then again I may decide to make this public, and if this is the case, I may want to protect myself from any personal or professional consequences. I'll make these decisions later. For now, I will only introduce myself by saying that I am a yankee-southerner transplanted to the midwest for professional reasons. I may decide to use this as a venting source, or I may decide to use it to actually write something that may be of value to me, if no one else. So until I make all of these very important decisions, I will simply say welcome to my personal blog, and I hope that you get everything out of it that you thought you would. And that is likely as long as you expect nothing except wasted time. Until next time....


At 10:32 PM, Blogger mark worden said...

It does seem like a waste of time doesn't it?
But since the internet has already changed many communication relationships, perhaps having millions of bloggers sharing thoughts in this way will ultimately have a positive impact on future generations.

At 7:48 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Don't get me wrong. I don't necessarily mean that blogging as an activity is a waste of time in general. I only mean to imply that it is likely a waste of time for anyone who happens to read my unfocused ramblings. And I'm okay with that. I am doing this for myself, and if anyone cares to read this nonsense, well, I am afraid it will be a waste of time for them as I do not intend to offer advice, useful information, or really anything at all of value. I totally agree that this medium can be and is an effective medium for certain types of communication, and you're right, the more we as a people communicate, there is the potential for increased social capital. But one must wonder if the social capital gains, however incremental, are offset by the loss of social capital elsewhere. That is to say, so many manhours are being spent creating these forums, they can not be used bowling with our friends, having picnics, planting trees and taking care of our parents. So is it really worth it? I don't claim to have an answer because there is no holistic answer, but rather individual decisions based on what I hope are relatively rational decisions about the value of one's time. See what I mean about rambling, unfocused nonsense?


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